created: 15.12.01
top systems:

system overview:

On this page all results for the Atari Falcon are shown. Since the CPU power is - in my view - the most important value for every day work, all systems are ordered according to their CPU power. This sort order is maintained in all grafs. This should make it easy to keep track of the different systems.

Comment from Zorro (zBench developer): Regarding the DSP performance of the reference system (zBench Falcon CT2) I received the following information: "Well, on the CT2B, you have a boot Bios setup (as PC), with it, you can configure many things like the Disk speed, the HDDriver, the STE emulation, ect ect .... I have put a "DSP wait state" in this Bios (for compatiblity with some programs).. So, my DSP is not fast as it must be. (+-10% more slow)."